Business Excellence Programme

IIA's capacity building programme

Invest in Africa (IIA), in collaboration with the African Development Bank’s Fund for African Private Sector Assistance (FAPA), launched the Business Linkage Programme in 2015 to increase long term partnerships between investors and local suppliers.

Building on the African Partner Pool’s objective to improve the visibility of local suppliers, the Business Linkage Programme will go one step further by improving the capacity for local businesses to deliver goods and services to time ,quality and scale, thereby meeting the long term needs of investors and winning more business.

According to our 2014 report David & Goliath, local businesses struggle to access affordable finance and embed the adequate management strategies to meet the challenges of doing business in Ghana, which stifles innovation and the ability to develop new business.

The Business Linkage Programme will prepare local businesses to better meet these challenges through entrepreneurial, management and technical training. Local businesses that demonstrate a real desire to embed recommended systems will have the opportunity to receive coaching and mentoring from international and local consultants as well as IIA Partners.

Local businesses that graduate from the programme will have been taught how to produce their products and services efficiently and to the specifications of their clients, attracting long term business and increasing their ability to reinvest in the company and turn new ideas into successful products.

If you are interested in accessing $30,000 worth of world class business training simply follow these two simple steps:

  1. Register on the APP as a ‘local supplier’,
  2. Then send an email expressing your interest to
Do you want to:
  • Win new business or export to new markets?
  • Gain international accreditation?
  • Or access affordable finance?
Apply for training

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